Tinder Swipe Night (TSN) is an interactive experience inside the most famous dating app that has finally brought to us what the TV should have become after the birth of the internet: great storytelling with contextual interactivity features.
If you have the latest version of Tinder, between one swipe and another you will be prompted to match with one of the characters of swipe night, and once you do so you will be immersive in a deep interactive experience.
Netflix, has tried to do it with Bandersnatch episode of Black Mirror with relatively satisfatory sucess, but what Tinder brings to our virtual table is something more impressive. Without giving you any spoiler what I can say is that its “wins” can be mostly attributed to the following aspects:
- Great production level;
- Refreshing screenwriting;
- Vertical video done right (eye-level shooting);
- A right dose of CGI mixed with phone notification simulations;
- Sparcing the whole story into episode that will be published weekly;
I could mention a longer list of talking points defending TSN, but the I would spoil the experience for you and you should see it for yourself because this maybe the best thing Tinder ever did besides firing its first CEO Sean Rad.
Tinder is not just another hook-up app anymore, under the lead of Jim Lanzone it is becoming a multimedia company powered by the young people’s wishes and desires and taking advantage of the technology available in a more clever way than any other app at the moment.
Maybe they have been visiting Tecnoveste 😉 and started to incorporte our mission into their work ethos: “to use technology not as an end into itself but as a mean to a better life”!